Halloween continues in our household, but today with more of a vengeance! Like I said yesterday, we didn't do much last night. I had to work until 8:30, so there wasn't much partying going on. I did get a little festive, as you'll see in the picture above! After work Alan came to pick me up. We walked around Center City (our new neighborhood!) for a while, before ducking into Valanni for a drink. As I sipped by Malbec, I reminisced of the time I shared a similar glass with Mimi when she came to visit in the spring. I miss you, Girl!
Tonight we're going to a party at my friend Sarah's house, but first we have a few chores to run. Galileo has an appointment to be groomed at eleven. I can't wait to get his haircut! Then, Alan and I need to do some shopping for our costumes. We're so bad about putting these things off until the last minute. I hope we can find everything we need. We may even run into some good discounts, since Halloween is officially over! Sarah was smart when she planned her party for the day after.
Stay tuned to some pictures and videos of our evening. Below I have attached a video I made last week on our moving day. It's not very spooky, but I hope you enjoy! Have a great day!
Love, Josh
Love the gilded tarantula.
Ahhh... Malbec. Love it!!! & miss you too!
Loved the video clip, very cute. I cant wait to see the new place.
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