Congratulations to Ms. Rick P. Pussy. He was the first to comment yesterday, and therefore the winner of the Miriam Makeba cd. Be looking for it in the mail soon, Puss! Let's all wish him well at his brand new address in beautiful, Old Louisville.
I wanted to stop by today to share this picture Alan took over the weekend of Mary Todd and Abigail. I thought it was so sweet. Where does one kitty stop, and the other begin? I hope somewhere in the course of your day you come across this much love. Whether it's a call from a dear friend, a hug from your beloved, or a smile from a stranger on the street, I hope you get that warm fuzzy feeling that accompanies a sense of acceptance.
I'll chat with you soon!
Love, Josh
Such an exotic looking scene. Are you sure you don't have a pair of leopards?
I'm having a late dinner with "you know who" after Parent/Teacher conferences tonight, so I'm hoping I get a little warm-fuzzy comfort then! =)
Yay, Puss!!!
That pic is so freaking cute... I love it.
Just got the love. You were it, Ms. Afrika. Ms. Extreme Soul. The Fraternal Order of Funk (NO I am not drunk now ... getting there tho).
That photo is fantastic. As you know my two tabbys are close, but not this much! I really like your selection of cats ... I like them both very much. I hope they are with you and are healthy and happy for a very long tme. Unknown excellence in photography of Alan.
Wishing the Puss well. She has been totally silent.
That is one of the sweetest images I've ever seen! Thank you for sharing with us!
btw... you said in your blog entry that you hoped we come across this much love today in our lives... well, I did! Your blog entry, even from a distance, gave me that warm fuzzy feeling inside! Love you girl!
exactly how I feel at the moment...
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