Before beginning a book I always take a minute to search through the pages of pictures that usually lie in the somewhere near the center. I love seeing what people looked like before I start reading their stories. As I was looking through the pictures that exist of Dolley's life I was shocked to see that a few actual dauguerreotypes exist of her. This may not seem like a big deal, or a surprise to you, but I was so excited. I have only seen painted portraits of her, so in a way she has always seemed rather imaginary. It was so neat to see an image of what she really looked like.
I'm excited to start reading this book. I don't have a lot of time at the moment for recreational reading, but I'll get through it slowly as the semester rolls along. It's nice to have a distraction from my sometimes daunting studies. This brings me to my question for the day: Are you reading anything now? Bloggy Friend Gary is, I'm sure. Any one else? What are you reading? What do you typically like to read? or do you despise it? Im interested!
Below I scanned a few of the dauguerreotypes I told you about. I'm not sure if you are a big fan of history, but maybe it will strike a cord of fascination within you like it did for me.
Have a great night. Do something that sends a chill of excitement down your spine!
Love, Josh
P.S. The above picture of me was from third grade (1988). Don't let that sweet smile fool ya, this was the first year I received my first (and only) paddling for starting a food fight in the cafeteria. It was also the year my little sister, Alexandra was born.

Picture 1: Dolley Madison (R) and her neice Annie Payne Cutts. Matthew Brady 1948
Picture 2: "The Last of the Founders." Matthew Brady
Paddling? That's funny my first and only paddling was in 6th grade when I became involved in a food fight too! This boy threw it at me first, then I threw it back and I remember my teacher, Mrs. Wilson, coming over to me grabbing and squeezing the back of my neck scolding me. I received one lick from the principal, Mr. Dickens! The other boy received NONE! You know why? His mom was a school cafeteria employee!! I was so angry!!!
I'm reading nothing for pleasure, but when I do it's usually a documentary or self motivation type writing. I'm not into much fiction. I feel like I'm wasting my time when I read fiction. I'd rather read about real factual stuff! I must say my books, and there are several, this semester are very interesting and I always have reading assignments, nonstop. You can imagine, urban geography, Renaissance, Latino/a can offer up some spicy reads!
I've never been much of a history buff, but as I've grown older and wiser I tend to be more and more interested, especially with art history.
Josh, I'll have to send you a pic of me in 4th grade, not the one you've seen before, but my class pic!
That picture is so adorable!!!
My first paddling came in 1st grade... and was followed up by another the same school year... for talking too much. Imagine that. To a teeny, tiny first grader, a paddling was enough to prevent any further disciplanary action.
I love history and am proud to announce I won the History award when I was in 7th or 8th grade. I also have always enjoyed reading Presidential history books, but I'm interested in the men & the women behind them.
I'm not currently reading any books, but I am about to start. I have a lot of Prez books I've collected but havent read. I have some time on my hands right now.
OMG, I love your photo credits, hon.
Well aren't chu in a good mood then?! That's good!
It's amusing how people intersect and how they ... well, what's the opposite of intersecting? Sometimes I think how very different you and I are, then you say something and I think "That boy is just like me."
Men bore the Bejesus out of me. I've never understood them, I never cared about their fashions or their interests. Why do so few of them use saucers? It's a rare male who fascinates me ... there are a few (artists, of course). I was raised by women. I have no desire to be a woman, but I believe my environment growing up alienated me from males. I know that is not the experience of all gay men.
Life without women (in history, or in the aisle at the store) would be a very great bore. No, worse than that, it would lack color and character (for me).
There's hardly a thing I can think of that men are good for!
Oh. Hold the phone ...
My most memorable paddling (there were a few) came in 5th grade when a few of us got caught looking at a page that someone had ripped out of a Hustler magazine. How scandalous!?!
Anyways, I'm reading Mississippi Sissy by Kevin Sessums. You should check it out, Josh, if you haven't already. I think you'd like it.
And here I thought Dolly Madison was only famous for pastries.
For the B&D question, I don't remember paddlings in school, except for my brief teaching experience when my favorite class of 8th graders found out it was my birthday and paddled me.
As for reading, the Dolley book sounds interesting. I was just at an anniversary celebration for HR 5050, the bill/law that established rights for women was signed in 1988 and they had an event in the capitol building -- I got to go because I designed the commemorative pin the hosts (hostesses?) at the National Women's Business Council handed out. While we waited to go into the room (security is very tight at the capitol, as it is at a lot of federal bldgs in DC), my supervisor and I were talking history and she noted something about how the British were held up when they invaded the city in the War of 1812, so I quipped that it must have been that delay that allowed Dolley to save the George Washington portrait.
For other reading, as Josh knows, I peruse about 15 blog sites on politics and send out a daily (or two-day) report with my own rants sometimes added. That takes up quite a bit of my reading in the morning time. Who knew moving to DC would bring me back to my interest in politics.
I save the New Yorker and Harpers for the subway ride to work. As for books, Josh's one bloggy Gary is currently reading John Guy's bio of Mary Queen of Scots; a light read, Attack of the Theatre People; and Bleak House, because Dickens people tell me it is his best one.
I'm reading a really good novel by R.L. Stine called "curtains"
I am reading "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. (B.F. Bill, too lazy to sign in.)
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