Hey, Bloggy Friends!

I hope you guys are doing well today. It is wetter than a shark's tit in Philadelphia today. We are feeling some of the effects of Hurricane Hanna here, in the form of torrential rain and gusty winds. It is supposed to get worse as the evening progresses, so we are settled in for a rainy night at home. Sound cozy? I just wanted to drop by and say a few things that I've been wanting to share.

We did venture downtown earlier to check out an apartment near Rittenhouse Square. It was a great place in a fantastic location, but there were a few too many red flags. It was located right next to a large parking lot, which would be right underneath the bedroom window, the rooms were too small to accommodate our furniture and their were apparent problems with the insulation. The heating bills are astronomical in our current place because of insulation problems, so we definitely don't want to run into that again. So, our search continues!

We are so proud of our little Galileo! For the longest time he has had an issue with climbing down our staircase. He learned early on to run up them, but once he's at the top he is too frightened to master the descent. It's kind of a pain to have to run up and carry him down whenever he goes up, so we've been slowly trying to teach him how to do it. Over the past week I have been placing him on one step, then two, then three and etc. to help him adjust little by little. Well, by the time he defeated six steps he said screw it and decided to try it from the top - and he did it! We were so excited, it was almost like he was taking his "first steps." We praised him and gave him some lovin', so now he can't stop running up and down over and over again! He's so proud of himself. What a doll.

Well, the last thing I have to say is the most random of all - but I was thinking how well Tina Fey could impersonate Sarah Palin. Wouldn't that be great? They look very similar. I bet we may be seeing her on Saturday Night Live giving it a shot soon - if she can get away from the set of 30 Rock.
Have a great night, stay dry (I know it's raining in D.C. too) and I'll chat with you soon.
Love, Josh
Hope the rain isn't too bad for you all. It's been beautiful down here in Tampa, but you never know what this terrible storm Ike might bring. I personally am not to worried about Tampa, but I hope it doesn't do much damage anywhere. I'm sure after these storms pass things will start to get back to normal. Keep an eye and ear out for us down here in hurricane alley Florida. Sending much love your way and stay safe! Glad to hear the pup is doing great with the stairs. Keep us posted!
Jeff and Charlie
That's funny Josh, I was thinking Valerie Bertinelli could do Palin too!!
How sweeeet! Little Galileo is growing up!! I want to see him, hold him, and give him big kisses!
That is awesome that your little one is growing up. I'm sure that was a big pain having to bring him down all the time.
The picture of him is absolutely adorable.
I totally agree about Tina Fey. It would be a travesty for her not to come back for a couple of appearances as Palin.
What a totally cute blog today!
I don't think we got hit like you did up there. In fact, by 3:30 I was out for a walk down to Rock Creek. WOAH GOD! Thrilling. The river was flooded practically up to the park road. A raging cauldron the color of chocolate milk.
xc (my cat just typed that)
That's so wondeful about Galileo wanting to please you, and what great parents you are by working with him so patiently! Your household is workin' hon.
Just saw the map. When I met my partner before Gary (Jose), he was living in the very tall "2400 Chestnut" building.
Yeah Galileo, what a good boy!
I just love Tina Fey, if I was to go gay, it would totally be with her! In case you were wondering :)
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