Saturday, July 28, 2007

Concert Reviews: Daft Punk

Ok, so when it came time for Daft Punk to finally take the stage the crowd went CRAZY! The curtain finally came up on this space age, pyramid contraption that had a window inside it. The two DJ's were situated inside the window, totally decked out in Robot garb! The music started and it was all uphill from there. Everyone was dancing and having an awesome time. One of the best parts of the show was the light effects. The pyramid also served as a video screen, which flashed images that got progressively more complicated as the show went on. Behind them was another huge screen and there were a million lights flashing out into the crowd, almost constantly. The light show was SPECTACULAR. There were times where I found myself totally mesmerized by the array of special effects that never stopped as the music pumped on! I had such a fantastic time. This had to be the best show of this kind that I have ever seen - it was HUGE.

Here is a mish mash of videos that I put together over the course of the night. There are two parts since I took so many. I think they came out pretty well, so you can get a good idea of what the show was like. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Part One

Part Two

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