I hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was busy. Busy in a good way. With the holidays approaching, being busy just goes with the territory. How many times can I say busy in a paragraph? Busy, busy, busy!
Bright and early Saturday morning, Alan and I arose from bed to take Galileo to the animal hospital. After two weeks, it was finally time to get his stitches taken out. The whole process took about 3 minutes. We actually figured we could have snipped the stitches out ourselves. It looked so simple. Anyways, he healed up nicely and he'll be glad to know I told you that he no longer has to wear that hideous collar around his neck. He was mortified when he found out I posted that picture of him online.
When we returned home it was already time to get ready for another outing.

After the show we brought Jude over to see our apartment for the first time. She gave us some helpful hints on how to "umph" up the place. I'm excited to try some of her ideas. You guys know how much I love spending time with Jude. Later that evening we met up with my friend, Tim, for drinks and karaoke at a local pub called Moriarty's. It was pretty fun. After seeing the show, I felt the need to do a little performing of my own. I sang two songs and enjoyed countless other performances while we were there. Good times in Center City!
On Sunday Alan and I took care of our chores. We went to the Reading Terminal for produce, and Whole Foods for the rest of our groceries. I love grocery day. After that we rushed over to Temple University to see the opera, La Boheme. I was required to see it for my Voice Class, but unfortunately it was all sold out when we arrived. I'll have to try and make another performance before the semester's over. Darn. That evening, we had my friend Terra over for dinner. She works with me at PTC. It's always fun to spend time with her. Alan made our traditional salmon (with rosemary and lemon), garlic mashed potatoes and a delicious spinach salad. It was delicious.
Well, this is getting a little long. I told you were were busy! I guess I'll cut it out for now. I hope you guys have a fantastic week. What do you have planned for the holidays? We have lots going on, and I absolutely can't wait. This is going to be a very short school week for me. Most of my classes are canceled, so I only have to go to campus today! This will afford me extra time to work on some writing assignments. Have a great day. I'll chat with you soon!
Love, Josh
Oh, OK, so that's why you said you were Angela Lansbury on Facebook. Ohhhhh-kay.
Busy honey? You oughtta see the claning and orghanzing going on down here! Just kidding! Sorta.
Richard Thomas. The very face (and Adam's apple) of my youthful lust as a teenager. John Boy. The very words send bolts of electricity down mah spine.
Um, could I have built any more typos into that (preceding) comment?!
ahhh... the memories of watching "The Waltons" reruns on The Family Channel. I think my mom said, "Goodnight, John Boy" about six thousand times growingup.
Wow, you were certainly right... you guys did have a darn busy weekend. It sounds like a lot of fun though.
I'm going to visit my family in East TN for a couple of days this week for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to it... this is my favorite holiday.
For the record, I would flip out & lose it if I were in the presence of the theatre queen, Angela Lansbury.
I remembered Richard Thomas quite well.
I saw The Waltons all the time in the 1970's.
I have the first and second season on DVD.
It is such a joy to watch The Waltons.
So far, monday is off to a great start.
Well, I never watched the Waltons! I watched a lot of TV as a kid, so what was I watching instead??
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