Hey, Bloggy Friends!
I hope you've had a nice weekend. Ours was nice, and laid back. I shopped a little, got a haircut and took care of our chores. The weather has been absolutely wonderful over the past week. It is definitely fall. I've noticed the leaves on the trees are slowly starting to change. This reminds me that it's right around the time when Alan and I first arrived in Philadelphia. Like the color of the leaves, a lot of things are starting to change in our lives as well. Pretty soon our time in Manayunk is going to dry up, and we are going to float, every so gently, into the bustling lifestyle of Center City Philadelphia.
I've sort of dropped the ball on the apartment search reports. It just got to the

point where we were looking at so many lackluster places, it wasn't worth recalling it all for you. Thankfully, however, we did stumble across the apartment that was meant just for us. We've known about it for a while, but I didn't want to jump the gun on telling you until it felt more official. We signed the lease on Friday! It goes into effect on the 15th of this month, so we will have half of October to transition ourselves from here to there. I'm so excited about it. It is a beautiful, newly renovated apartment on South and 13th Street. The location is what we were looking for. We will be about two blocks from the subway stop, and three blocks from my work. I am so excited to be readily accessible to the farmer's markets, Reading Terminal, all the parks, and not to mention about 300 extra restaurant/shopping choices. Our experience of living in Philadelphia will completely change after we move. We'll be right in the mix of everything going on. I can't wait.

As far as the apartment itself is concerned, it will be a bit of an adjustment. It is
much smaller than what we are living in now.This is no surprise. It is all situated on one, single level. There are two sizable bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms and the kitchen, living room and dining area are all mushed into one. The plus is that the ceilings are very tall, which lends itself to a space that is very open and airy. That's important when you have three animals running around. I think the biggest adjustment will actually be for them. I won't mind the reduction of space. When I think back to those days in that small studio apartment in San Francisco, I only have the warmest of thoughts. I'll post some pictures/videos pretty soon. I can't wait!
I have one other big announcement I want to share with you. I have been offered a

position to co-host a radio show on Temple's online radio station,
W.H.I.P. I am so excited about it. I would greatly appreciate your support. The show will air every Wednesday and Friday morning between 9 and 10. The format is something like The View. I will join three ladies and we will all chat about hot topics, current events and etc. The four of us come from different backgrounds and have a plethora of different view points to bring to the table. Our first show will be this Wednesday. Please stop by the website to listen if you ever have the chance. We definitely need listeners so we can compete for a better time slot next semester. It's easy to listen. Just stop by the
WHIP website. You will find a link in the top right corner to listen to the show in either low or high quality. As for now, I think you can only listen to the show at the time it's being aired. Hopefully soon we will be able to save it, or create podcasts you can download on iTunes for later listening. I'm really excited about this. It is right in line with what I would like to do someday. Stop by to support us!!
I'm going to close for now, so I can keep this post rather short. I've noticed my postings have become rather long lately. I know you have a lot to do, so I'll try to keep them cut down. Have a fantastic evening, stop by to check out
Bloggy Friend Bill's new blog, and take a moment to enjoy - the view!
Love you all.
What an exciting and autumnesque blog!
Since I work at home you can be certain I will be tuning in to the radio/site. I'm sorry I thought you were a theater major (I do think at one point I read you wished to be a model/actor). Now I see that this broadcasting thing ties right in with your fabulously wide musical knowledge, etc. The tupperware snaps! A perfect fit! Seriously, though, I see how you will be perfect for this radio situation.
The photos are so cute!
Congrats on the new apartment!! I'm sure it will be a fun and exciting change to be in the core of the city. I look forward to reading all about it. And what fun news about the radio spot. That will be such good experience for you. Another creative medium for you to add to your list. I just wish I was available to hear it. Anyway, good luck to you and Alan with the move. Have a great week!!
Gurl! I'm so excited to hear this!!! I'm so glad you are moving to Center City... I'm so envious of the places you've experienced already & cant wait to hear all about this one.
I want to steal your cats & dog... and I will someday.
For the record, you have a face for the radio. I knew you'd get there.
Miss M
Congrats on the new apartment and the radio show. Obviously, I can't listen during that time while at school, so you'll have to let me know if it becomes available for download!
You look so silly in that picture with the blue bandana I want to smack ya! Hee-hee! You SO silly gurl!
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